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small blessings change lives

Live Life to Give Life

You can care without sharing, but when you share, it shows you care. Many of the poorest have lost all hope, and the simplest act of compassion can be a ray of light that pierces the darkness and sparks hope in the heart. It shows the lonely soul that they are loved.

Small Blessings makes it easy for you to add Sharing to your Caring.


Being lonely is never pleasant, but for the elderly and homeless poor, it can be terrifying.  At a time in their lives when they need help the most, they're alone. They feel no one even knows they exist. But Jesus tells us to visit the sick and needy.  He tells us to strengthen the brokenhearted, and calls us to receive the stranger, and care for them as if we were caring for Him. Looking into the hurting eyes of the poorest, you can sometimes catch a glimpse of Him, looking out at you as you serve in His name.

There's a pain that runs deeper than physical infirmity. There's a hurt that medicine cannot heal. And there's a broken heart that surgery cannot mend. But what truly works miracles in the healing of these conditions ... is love. Simple compassion. Showing someone you care. Taking the time to talk to them. Being that friend they don't have or that family member who cannot visit them. Love heals. And along the way, it changes your own life as well.

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